
Introducing 'PERFECTA' Stop the Soft Serve Slump

Introducing ‘PERFECTA’ Stop the Soft Serve Slump
If there has been one limitation of Soft Serve ice cream and frozen yogurt it has been the inability to ‘hold’ their shape and consistency away from the point of serve.

This has forced consumption to be directly at the point of sale/serve.

This is a thing of the past – IntroducingPERFECTA

By adding Perfecta to your base ice cream or yogurt mix you can achieve a product which you can pre-serve and hold for an extended period without deterioration or melt-down. Hold times would be  around 120 minutes in a refrigerated cabinet!

This offers some fantastic opportunities, not limited to the following:-

Offer ice cream or frozen yogurt deserts as part of a take-away or delivered meal.

Offer pre-ordered interval ice cream or frozen yogurt at theaters.

For further information contact the Taylor UK sales team on 0800 838 996

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