
Spinnakers MOOve into the ice cream arena

Spinnakers MOOve into the ice cream arenaWhen Spinnakers, an already successful Fish and Chip operator based in North Wales, chose to open a brand new Ice Cream Parlour in Caernarfon; Taylor UK was their first stop on their road to success…

When Spinnakers Restaurants, a well-known chain of fish and chip restaurants in North Wales, opened new premises in Caernarfon, they had a fresh idea for the adjoining premises they’d also acquired.

Spinnakers MOOve into the ice cream arena

Martin Hearth, Managing Director of Spinnaker Ltd, wanted to bring Italian style, high quality, ice creams and gelatos to North Wales. As a long-standing Taylor UK customer, using Taylor soft serve machines in their current restaurants and fish & chip shops, Martin knew exactly who to consult for advice.

After speaking to his Taylor UK account manager, Martin attended one of Taylor UK’s artisan ice cream demonstration days looking to learn how to produce quality ice cream and gelato from base ingredients, as well as determining which pieces of equipment were required to get his new brain child off the ground…

Armed with this knowledge Martin chose Taylor UK to supply all of the key pieces of equipment for his new ice cream parlour including; Frigomat batch freezers and pasteurisers and ISA ice cream display cabinets and the increasingly popular ISA ‘cold stone’ concept.

Spinnakers MOOve into the ice cream arena

Spinnakers MOOve into the ice cream arenaThe shop has proved to be a roaring success, so much so that Martin is now looking to open additional outlets and to increase his ice cream and gelato production, stating “no sooner is our ice cream made, its served and sold”.

Check out Moo’s ice cream parlour for yourself in Castle Square, Caernarfon, North Wales.

For more information on Frigomat batch freezers & pasteurisers, the ISA range of cabinetry or any of the products supplied by Taylor UK, call free on 0800 838896, e-mail us at or visit our website at

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