With a sweet taste and creamy texture, milkshakes are a feel good pleasure that remind us of our childhoods. But putting that trip down memory lane aside, the humble milkshake is coming of age, put simply, it has grown up and become a treat not just for kids – ‘soft shakes’ it can also be a fantastic treat for adults too…
How? We hear you cry… with the addition of booze of course! A splash of Bourbon in a chocolate shake and the ‘hard shake’ has arrived. A true coming of age, for a treat we have all grown to love.
If you already have a Taylor 430 or 428 Shake machine you are already half way there, your customers will be experiencing a fantastic frozen drink, you will be enjoying the additional revenue stream that these machines provide to your business, but why not increase that revenue? And offer your loyal customers, and dare we say it, entice new ones to your business by offering a new product “The Hard Shake”.
Some examples of what’s on offer from various outlets within the Capital are; Bourbon & Maple, Jagermeister, Kahlua & Chocolate and Baileys & Coconut. There’s even a shake that contains Oreo cookies and Amaretto liquor.
The only limitation for possible flavour combinations is your imagination!
(Obviously your business would need to have an alcohol license, so if you have that you’re nearly there!)
Love the idea, but don’t have the equipment. What do I need? I hear you say…
No need to worry. Taylor UK have the equipment, knowledge and experience to help you take advantage of this exciting product that we know both you and your customers will love.
By purchasing either a Taylor 430 or 428 frozen beverage machine along with a Razzle blender you could take full advantage of this boom and start selling ‘Hard Shakes’ by next weekend!
Taylor Models 428 & 430
Minimal space required; Both machines take up a small footprint on your counter, but deliver a big output of product per hour. The 430 can serve up to 120, 12oz shakes per hour, and the 428 an incredible 170! Combine either machine with the Razzle blender and you have all the equipment you need to produce a new and fantastic product…The ‘Hard Shake” but don’t forget you can always serve regular shakes too…
Operation; The machines couldn’t be simpler to operate, once the machine is filled with vanilla shake base; it’s simply a case of one, two, three, four…
- Add the alcohol and flavour syrup into the glass.
- Top up the glass with frozen shake mix straight from the machine.
- Blending all the ingredients with the Razzle blender.
- Serve to the customer!
All created in the glass that you are going to serve to the customer, no need to clean blender jugs out after each serving.
Low power requirement; each machine is powered by a standard 13amp power supply which requires no special installation.
Easy to clean; Both the 430 and 428 require cleaning just twice a week, the Razzle blender requires daily cleaning, but this can be completed in under 5 minutes.
Typical ‘Hard Shake’ Profit Projection
Selling Price | £4.50 |
Less VAT* | £0.75* |
Sub Total | £3.75 |
Less Product Cost | £1.00** |
Profit per Portion | £2.75 |
Average Daily Servings | 25 |
Nett Daily Profit | £68.75 |
Selling Days | 360 |
Nett Annual Profit | £24,750.00 |
*VAT at 20% **Typical product cost for 25ml alcohol, shake mix and flavour syrup, actual product costs may differ.
For more information on Taylor Frozen Drinks Machines
Call the Taylor UK sales office on:
0800 838 896 or email sales@taylor-company.co.uk