A cheese toastie is a cheese toastie, right? I mean, it’s the first meal that most of us learn how to cook at home by ourselves. It’s the perfect midnight snack or soup-dipper. It’s great for kids but is never turned down by an adult. It’s gooey, crisp and comforting in all the right ways. There’s toasties and then there’s TurboChef TOASTIES.
There’s toasties and then there’s TurboChef TOASTIES. When you’re faced with perfect toastie, globules of cheese slowly oozing out of the edges, a pure, even golden-brown face, you know even before you bite into it that the experience is going to be great. The way the crust is crisp but flexes ever-so-slightly so that you know there is a layer of tender crumb waiting underneath before you hit the molten core. The way the cheesy aroma curls up into your nose just before you take the first bite. And that’s all before you even get that glorious cocktail of textures and fat into your mouth. So how do you get there? What are the secrets to the best cheese toastie?
The cheese
Toasties don’t work with just any old cheese. You’ve got to have a cheese with just the right melting characteristics. Dry, crumbly, fresh cheeses like goat cheese won’t melt properly. For the true classic flavor, nothing is better than ultra-gooey, not-too-sharp cheddar cheese. If you want to get fancy, Swiss-style cheeses like Gruyère (or its French cousin Comté), or young Italian and French cheeses like young Fontina, Tallegio, or Brie go well, too. As long as it melts, it’s got a place in a toasted sandwich!
If you do like the flavor of a ‘non-melter’, it’s acceptable to treat it like another topping—that is, pair it with a cheese that does melt. A mozzarella and feta combo makes a fine sandwich, as does a Fontina and Parmigiano, for instance.
When at all possible, it’s best to go with sliced cheese as opposed to grated. It is easier to distribute evenly, is less prone to making odd holes in the interior of your sandwich, and melts better (many of the best melting cheeses are too soft to grate effectively).
The Bread
Aside from the necessity of being sliced, the only other rule here is that it can’t be too hole-y (or your cheese will drip out). Sliced White bread is the staple, but if you want to go fancier, feel free to use a nice hand-sliced farmhouse loaf, Italian ciabatta or a good sourdough.
The Method
To get the perfect toastie (in my opinion) you need a TurboChef. The combination of fast aggressive heat and delicate microwave gives the perfect crispness to the toast on the outside and the wonderful level of gooeyness of the cheese on the inside. A result which you can’t achieve consistently on a regular contact grill!
60 seconds in the new TurboChef Panini oven and you have a perfectly toasted, deliciously molten pocket of toastie wonderfulness….
TurboChef Tornado | TurboChef Sota or Panini | ||||||
Vessel | Cook directly on the stone platter with a Teflon sheet. | Metal or Teflon baking tray. | |||||
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To find out how TurboChef oven could benefit your business or to find out more about Taylor UK and the products which we supply. Call the Taylor UK Sales Hotline FREE on 0800 838896, email us at sales@taylor-company.co.uk or visit our website www.taylor-company.co.uk